Civilization 4 Beyond The Sword Mac Download Free

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  4. Civilization Iv Beyond The Sword

Trusted Windows (PC) download Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword 3.19. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword alternative downloads. May 23, 2010  Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword Expansion Pack for Mac Free Aspyr Media Mac OS X 10.4 Intel/PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel/PPC Version 3.19 Full Specs Download Now Secure Download.

Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword - v3.19 Patch

This will patch Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword to the latest version 3.19. It incorporates numerous bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, and additional features like new map scripts.

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword will focus on the late-game time periods after the invention of gunpowder and will deliver 12 challenging and decidedly different scenarios created by Firaxis Games, and the Civilization Fan Community. Nero wave editor free download mac.

v3.17 Change list


Cavalry and Cuirassiers can Flank attack Cannons and all earlier siege weapons

Gunships can Flank Attack Cannons, Artillery, Mobile Artillery

Flanking damage now depends on strength of defending unit, not on strength of siege weapon

Flank attack now has a maximum number of siege units it can affect

Horse archers no longer receive attack bonus against Trebuchets

Destroyer: no longer upgrades to anything

Stealth Destroyer: lower cost, 2 first strikes, no bombard, no interception

Attack Submarine: Increased cost

Airship no longer gets bonus attacking ships

Airship does 20% maximum air strike damage

Machine Gun and Anti-Tank get 20% air interception chance

No withdrawal when attacking amphibiously

Siege weapons cannot attack amphibiously

Reduced war weariness

New Colonies have their parent civ's tech brokering restrictions

New Colonies have knowledge of their parent civ's maps

New Colonies cannot trade away their motherland techs under 'No tech Brokering' option

New Colonies no longer affect domination limit

Significantly increased barbarian ship spawn

Bunkers also protect against collateral damage from air units

Units in ships no longer gain fortification/espionage bonus

Goody hut gold now scales with game speed

Increased 'support city revolt' cost

Explorers cannot be drafted

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Combat line of promotions not available to Siege

Word for Windows has a whole list of styles to choose from and Mac gets. Almost nothing! Andeven worse.

'Friendly locals' event expires with Nationalism

'Mother lode' event: yields more gold on average

'Miracle' event expires with Rifling

'Partisans' event active in every game


'Blessed Sea' event no longer tied to a specific ship

Barbarian uprising events can occur only if you can build a counter unit

Global warming in forests and jungles just removes those features, without turning plot to desert

Global warming takes into account the number of forests and jungles in the world

Global Warming is affected by unhealthy buildings in addition to nuclear explosions.

Re-added cap to number of active Corporation Executives (5)


Automated Workers no longer idle when railroading is possible

AI units considered unsuitable for city defense are no longer prevented from healing in cities

Improved worker threat assessment

Fixed bug that caused the AI to trade for resources it already had

Spies no longer interrupt their mission when moving next to an enemy unit

Own vassal cannot be considered 'Worst Enemy' by the AI.

AI less likely to build Executives if they can't afford to use them or already have enough of them

AI takes time already worked into consideration when selecting plot to work

No AI relationship penalty for declaring war on a third party if that AI is at war with the third party as well

Can found Corporations in Mercantilism

Vassals of a capitulating Master do not automatically sign peace with the victor

Lowered capitulation threshold

Missile carriers carying missiles are no longer as reluctant to defend


Added 'No Espionage' game option

Withdrawing units get unselected from their selection group

- just like they get unselected if they win and cannot advance

Espionage ratio for humans displayed in score tooltip

Fixed city Healthy/Unhealthy bonus display (events)

No messages about empire splits of players you have not yet met

Globe layer sub-options saved in user profile

Liberate city nag no longer occurs twice for the same city in the same session

City advisor nags do not occur when city is in disorder

Advanced start: All team starting plot locations indicated with red circles

- any team member can use any starting plot

Players get an announcement when a Defensive Pact is signed

Added stationary spy discount mouseover

Added popup for when spaceship mission fails

Added some extra mouseover information to diplomacy screen

Fixed main interface to correctly fit all advisor buttons on the right

MapRandSeed = 1 has no effect in multiplayer games

Cleaned up debug menu

Can't exit to main menu after having used the debug menu (Ctrl-D)

- Prevents multiplayer cheats, as well as possible hangs and crashes

Mods read previous game options from .ini unless they have the ForceGameOptions = 1 in their own mod .ini

Removed some unused code (SDK)

Added tectonics map script (thanks LDiCesare)

Added Earth2 map script (thanks GRM7584)

Added RandomScriptMap map script (thanks Refar)

Added three new options to Team Battleground map script (thanks ruff_hi)

Exposed some trade screen functionality to the SDK

Added ability for AI Diplomacy screen to display icons in the text

WorldBuilder saves named units

Fixed XML read issue (for mods)

Added a faster file enumeration method for modular XML loading (unused)

Removed inlined code from CvXMLLoadUtility (inlining breaks DLL mods)

Added ability for mods to specify minimum version (MIN_VERSION in GlobalDefines.xml)

Unit graphic on main interface updates when unit art changes (mods)

Aded Python wrapper function: CyPlot::setOwnerNoUnitCheck.

Added Mesoamerica Mod


Fixed bug with building culture bonus mouseover

Fixed multiplayer hang when loading a game without all human players present

Fixed reload crash

Fixed info screen demographics Import/Export rank reversal

Ships in foreign ports no longer get bumped to strange places upon war declaration

Fixed bug with Great General threshold in team games

Fixed 'cityAcquiredAndKept' python event bug

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Preventing key clicks from going through the MP diplomacy screen to the main interface

Fixed bug with barbarian unit spawn

Fixed Donut map script Italian and Spanish desert/ocean translations

Fixed auto-raze bug with certain game option combinations

Fixed selection issue with Warlords attaching to units when the Great General is part of a selection group

Spies no longer bumped out of enemy borders when declaring war

Workers on Transports no longer capture cities (thereby displacing all other units) when city is captured

Privateers cannot enter other teams' empty cities

Fixed empire splitting bug where a previously-existing civ could be resurected

Fixed Worldbuilder python exception

Can no longer base an unlimited number of air units in foreign cities

Mouse-over for Worker actively working a plot no longer counts Worker twice

Fixed bug in recommended graphics settings

Fixed bug with spy inability to destroy any buildings in certain cities

Fixed bug that increased spy interception chance

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Fixed some UN/AP voting time-delay issues

Fixed a text bug caused by cached translations

Worldbuilder no longer allows you to unreveal visible plots

'Fugitive' event: fixed text bug

Fixed 'Impeachment' event

Fixed 'Partisans' event to trigger only under emancipation

Civilopedia correction: Custom House affects all foreign trade routes, not only intercontinental.

Fixed AI crash

Fixed Barrage promotion bug

Fixed combat message log for hidden nationality units

Fixed bug with espionage culture mission

Fixed minimap update on reload

Fixed crash on city conquer

Fixed bug in event city and unit random selection

Gifting a city upon conquest gives liberation diplomatic benefits.

Fixed Advanced Start hang when starting without enough points to buy first city

Fixed Advanced Start stored food inconsistency on population buy/sell

Fixed bug with non-global, non-team quests not clearing upon completion

Fixed bug where you would not get a palace if you captured a city before founding one

Fixed potential AI infinite loop

Civilization 4 Beyond The Sword Mac Download Free Pc

Next war update to match epic game

Fixed rare bug where Barbarian Horse Archers could sometimes bump your units out of your cities

Autorun saves are now loadable

Updated Next War and Gods of Old with epic game changes

Fixed AI another crash

Fixed AI infinite loop

Fixed improvement yield change mouse-over

Fixed python exception in Improvement civilopedia (mod-specific)

Fixed recommended unit button in build popup (mod-specific)

Improvement construction cost is deducted when a project begins, rather than when it's finished

- fixes Starbase exploit in Final Frontier


The Forge now gets +2 Production in its capital and +1 in all other Systems

Fixed bug where very advanced Pirate ships could spawn early in the game

Fix for clicking the subtract population button too quickly could cause a Planet's population be negative

Reduced interception chance for Destroyers

Halved amount of points gained from territory

Red Syndicate only gets 1 free trade route instead of 2

Fixing bug in map script with star system density

Double-clicking Star Systems now gives system info, instead of single click (thanks Nemesis Rex)

Older Starbases now have cultural border preference over newer ones as intended (thanks Nemesis Rex)

Starbases no longer create missiles

AI City population distribution no longer calculated every turn for every city..

- improves performance but may make the AI dumber

Bumped Forge back to no default production bonus in any Systems (undoing previous change)

Red Syndicate now only gets 1 free Trade Route in newly colonized Systems

Red Syndicate now gets Trade Route bonus in captured Systems

Paradise now gets free MagLevs in captured Systems

System Health and Happiness penalty for New Earth reduced from 2 to 1

Fixed minor text error in Top Civs screen ('Most Influence')


Thanks to jkp1187 (John Palchak) for the following updates from his 'Not just another Next War Mod'

Most of the Space Race projects assigned to new technologies.

The idea is to delay the Space Race until the players were using the additional NextWar technologies.


Cost for MISSION TO MARS (formerly APOLLO PROGRAM) increased to 2250 hammers)

SS ENGINE: requires COLD FUSION (formerly FUSION)





SS CASING: requires COMPOSITES (unchanged)

Civilization 4 Beyond The Sword Mac Download Free Version


ARCOLOGY/ARCOLOGY SHIELDING/DEFLECTOR SHIELDING: The cost of all three of these buildings has been doubled.

Arcology now requires both Hydroponics and Composites

Nuke 'CRACKED LIKE AN EGG' now only applies to Next War Scenario

Every game speed option now has 5% more turns

Added all of the random events from JKP1187's Random Events Mod.

I added three new NextWar-specific random events: 'The Cylons', 'Sensors', 'Slip and Fall'

Added voice-overs for all of the Next War technologies

Added a new icon (by bmarnz) showing C. Everett Koop's likeness for the Center for Desease Control National Wonder

Added new icons for the Next War specific Unit Categories (Clones, Assault Mech, Bioweapons, Dreadnought)

Civilization 4 Beyond The Sword Mac Download Free Crack

Resource depletion only has a chance of occurring in the Scenario, no depletion in epic game.

Civilization Iv Beyond The Sword

Replaced regular bomber images with B-52 by Snafusmith.

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